Sunday, August 21, 2011

From the mouth of Caroline...

You never know what will come out of Caroline's mouth. What she hears and what she translates it into are two different things:) We say her prayers at night and after we say, Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, we say the Our Father. Well she says, "..thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in Kevin" and then she ends it with, "and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from eagles". She has come up with her own alphabet too. It includes the letters, jew,r,x. Not only does she love to shove things down my shirt, but while we were at a baptism yesterday, she proceeds to bend down try to look up my dress and ask me very loudly if I am wearing any panties. Thank goodness there weren't too many people around.
Today she went "skaping" (skating) for the first time. She loved it and was pretty good at it too. She fell a few times but got right back up and never cried. I tell her all the time she is my toughest kid.
I asked her the other day how she got the scratch on her head and her response was, "God not do that". If you ask her how she got so beautiful, she will tell you, "God made me". She tells me God is in her heart and in the sky:)
Today we caught her sitting upstairs, looking out the window singing a song about missing her "chaseboyfriend". One day when she told me she got in trouble at Mama Jane's she told us it was because she had hit her friend. When we asked her what she told her friend (hoping she had said she was sorry) she said, "I tell her shake it off".
Never a dull moment at our house and I wouldn't have it ANY other way!!!!

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